Home Appliances

Enjoy a quieter home with active noise cancellation at-the-source

Enjoy a quieter home with active noise cancellation at-the-source

Today’s’ consumers view their homes as a sanctuary from the noises and stressors of the outside world. That is why they expect home to be a place of relative peace and quiet.


To respond to customer demands for quieter, better sounding and more energy efficient products, appliance manufacturers must consider sound qualities in any products they design. Their newer products must be quieter and more energy efficient, to have any chance of competing in today’s marketplace. That’s where Silentium comes in. When you use our Active Noise Control technology and combine it with passive noise control measures, you create a product that is quieter and more desirable – not only than your older product, but then all of your competitors’ products too.

Silentium at Home

Promotes Health

Noise raises heart rates, blood pressure, hearing loss and stress levels

Adds Value

Quieter products are perceived as more valuable

Energy Efficient

Noisy fans can work at full power to cool home/office environments

Less Bulk, Less Weight

Products that are silenced at-the-source require less bulk and weight used for passive sound control

Proven Solution

Silentium offers a flexible and modular solution that can be custom designed

There are two innovative solutions powered by Silentium

Quiet Bubble™
Quiet Bubble™
In order to protect individuals from surrounding noise Silentium has developed the “Quiet-Bubble™” (QB™), an individual quiet-zone solution. A zone of quiet is created, usually in an area around someone’s head for instance in a seat head-rest.
Quiet at-the-Source
Quiet at-the-Source
Point to Zone
The Silentium Source noise cancellation solution is incorporated inside the product that is creating the noise and the sound is controlled at source eg. home appliances, car HVAC systems, office ventilation

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